Located in Palau, the Jellyfish Lake (a marine lake) is a home to one of the strangest species of jellyfish on earth.
The main jellyfish species found here are the golden jellyfish and the moon jellyfish. The lake is full of tonnes of these jellyfish. The interesting thing about the golden jellyfish is that they are extremely sensitive to the temperature changes occurring in the water.
In 1998, almost the entire population of golden jellyfish died just over a period of few months. And the reason was the temperature increase of the water due to El Nino.
Fortunately, this temperature sensitive species was observed again in the lake in the year 2000 and by 2012 their population had returned to pre-decline levels.
But things might not turn out so lucky next time. It is speculated that there may be a permanent loss of these jellyfish if the temperature of the water rises again but this time due to global warming. And it would not be good to see these beautiful, innocuous dwellers of Palau being lost forever.
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