
Tree Planting Robot plants and protects seedlings, ensures fast reforestation
What in your opinion is the reason for rapid increase in deforestation than the replanting process? Well, in most parts of the world nearly all areas of the forestry industry are completely mechanized, while plantation is still done mainly by hands. In such a situation, a tree planting robot definitely makes a lot of sense. Industrial designer Anna-Karin Bergkvist has developed an eco-friendly four-legged robot that can plant seedlings.

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Equipped with a planting arm and a planting head, this green tree planter uses a protective barrier made of biodegradable plastic to plant the seedlings. It is also responsible to protect the seedlings from bugs. Its steam-based engine fueled by forest waste allows cooling with water instead of oil. A seedling ramp on the back of the robot allows carrying up to 320 in one single load.
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The seedlings are loaded onto a revolving cartridge on the planting head. They are then planted in a pattern using the arms. This efficient and flexible robot can easily move through tough terrain. A trailer contains the seedlings, fuel and water carries the robot to the planting area and behaves as a portable service station by automatically refueling and refilling the robot.
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