
Cheaper oil has put Asian petro product prices  to a 3-year low.

Gasoline is going for $39.30/barrel.

Kerosene is $61.30/barrel.

Diesl is $59.35/barrel.

The oil prices are free falling, the economy is heading south worldwide, China and India are even demanding less.

Travel is down. India is on fire and Thailand is shooting at each other. Jet fuel is cheap.

So, we give up on drilling off shore and nuclear power and becoming energy independent within 10 years?

No way. No way!

1. We build nuke plants/dig oil wells/stretch pipelines now while it is affordable to do so. Because, oil prices will go up again.

2. We (the US) is still sending money overseas to people who don't like us very much if at all. And OPEC will gouge us the next time they can.

3. By the time prices go back up, and they will go back up, our wells will be ready and we can make money off our fossil fuel supplies instead of spend money for them.

4. GM, Ford and Chrysler still have their hands out. No way we should let them off the hook because people will start wanting their gas hogs again. And oil prices will go up again.

5.  We continue to explore green alternatives while it is affordable to rely on fossil fuels in their development, because the oil prices will go back up again.

Okay, so maybe there is only one reason to not be misled, become complacent with cheaper gas. The prices will go back up again. Let's be ready next time.


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