

Minuum Keyboard Project

Your mobile typing just got easier. Minuum is a simplified keyboard that saves you screen space, and opens up unlimited new ways to type with wearable devices.

Simplified Touchscreen Typing
Minuum is a tiny, one-dimensional keyboard that frees up screen space while allowing fast, accurate typing.
Current technology assumes that sticking a full typewriter into a touchscreen device is the best way to enter text, giving us keyboards that are error-prone and cover up half the usable screen space (or more) on most smartphones and tablets.
Minuum, on the other hand, eliminates the visual clutter of archaic mobile keyboards by adapting the keyboard to a single dimension. What enables this minimalism is our specialized auto-correction algorithm that allows highly imprecise typing. This algorithm interprets in real time the difference between what you type and what you mean, getting it right even if you miss every single letter.

Recover more than half of the usable touchscreen space you lose when typing on traditional virtual keyboard.

Type fast without worrying about being precise, thanks to smart 

Easy letter magnification for precise typing—especially useful if you have large fingers
You already know how to type with Minuum—it's just the QWERTY layout, minimized

Convenient access to everything you'd expect in a keyboard (such as, punctuation, space, backspace, and enter) without stealing your screen space

Move the keyboard around on your touch screen, and stretch or shrink it to suit your needs

Features at a Glance
Minuum improves mobile typing by:

Recovering more than half of the usable touchscreen space you lose when you type on traditional virtual keyboards
Allowing you fast text entry when your typing is sloppy
Providing you with letter magnification for precise typing—especially useful if you have large fingers
Giving you the benefit of smart auto-correction
Respecting your familiarity with the QWERTY keyboard so you don't have to re-learn the keyboard layout
Providing convenient access to everything you'd expect in a keyboard (such as, punctuation, space, backspace, and enter) without stealing your screen space
Letting you type anywhere—with a keyboard you can move around your touchscreen
You will be able to customize the Minuum production release, with options such as: alternate colour schemes to match your smartphone case, curving keyboard layout for more ergonomic text entry, and the ability to rearrange the alphabet to your liking.

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