

Bikini place for Indian woman, bikini place seexy Indian girls

Bikini place,Ashwem beach goa,Anjuna-Curlies beach goa, during our recent vacations in Europe in the last 3 - 4 years, we observed many Indian women topless in public beaches. In private hotels / resorts, the numbers doubled.

Last year on our holiday to Thailand, in Pattaya we saw Indian ladies topless in private hotels. In Koh Samui (a small island South of Thailand), we found some Indian Ladies daring to go topless on public beaches.
Things have changed for sure.

I want to know if the trend is only for foreign locations or has anyone seen Indian ladies topless in beaches in Goa or in hotels swimming pool.
I have been to Goa many times but the last I visited Goa was about 8 years back. As usual we saw many European ladies topless but never saw a single Indian lady. My wife did wear bikinis (only in the hotel, not on the beach) but still got ogled by some guests which made her uncomfortable.

I mean, we all love to see a sexy woman (we r all men) and do so from the corner of our eyes (which is perfectly normal) but being ogled and even passing some sexist remarks is very offensive.

Now, my wife has been topless at European beaches many times and even in Koh Samui and we were not bothered at all. We are visiting Goa shortly and will be staying in a five star resort. My wife has agreed to go topless if she sees some other Indian women topless at the resort. Otherwise she will feel uncomfortable. Of course, it is out of question at public beaches.
If anyone has recently visited Goa, I would like to know if anyone saw any Indian ladies topless in public beaches / hotels etc.

Also, is it a norm now or u get ogled and if people make rude comments.Any advise will be most welcome.
However, please do not give me moral advise / illegal in Goa etc., I already know all that. I know it is against Indian culture etc. etc., but please, I m not seeking any moral advise. I have been to Goa many times since my first visit in 1985 and I have witnessed that toplessness is a norm with European ladies and I have never heard / read anywhere that any local Indian was offended.

1 comment:

  1. Nice and informative article. Besides being curvaceous, the model at #3 is very photogenic too. Would like to see more of her non-bikini pics as well, if available.


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