

GESTURE TECHNOLOGY:The technology has been making things very easier for the human beings.The current and very popular interface touch screen needs physical contact with the device.So looking ti address this issue a number of companies and researchers are developing a new way to make devices understand what we want to do and gestures are being seen as a natural and convenient way to interact with the device.So in order to take our world to next level scientist has been conducting research to develop this kid of gesture technology to interact with all various kinds of devices.Now think of yourself controlling your mobile phone using your gestures by swinging your hand in the air like doing some kind of magic with your hands.So not only ease i believe this technology is gonna add up a lots of fun to our interaction.

DEVICES CARRIES GESTURE TECHNOLOGY: Not to our surprise some Gadgets existing today already offering this technology.For example Samsung Smart TV's support simple gesture control.And moreover Microsoft Xbox also adapts this technology aiming to give user a ultimate new gaming experience.But even though these devices adapt this technology but still it has so many limitations but definitely these devices laid a path for this new technology.

GEST IC:Microchip has recently launched a specially designed IC known as Gest IC an approach which uses e-field technology to enable interaction with the devices.Gest IC which is integrated into the host device uses thin sensing electrodes made from any conductive material.Amongst the options are Pcb traces and indium tin oxide coatings.The company also added this technology allows for visually appealing industrial designs with very low additional system costs.This technology is also said to prove 100% surface coverage eliminating 'Angle of view' blind spots found in other technologies.According to Microsoft research gestures are becoming very popular way to interact with the computers and people started to expect a change in their way of interaction with the devices.So at this point of time the introduction of Gest IC will provide the way for the next level in our way of interaction.

HOW IT WORKS:The Gest IC technology uses frequencies of around 100kHz with a wavelength of 3km.And the microchip is a quasistatic electrical field that can be used for sensing conductive objects.Five electrodes are required by the system:right, left, up, down, centre.When a hand for example enters the electric filed its distribution is distorted and the field lines intercepted by the hand are shunted to the round through the human body.The proximity of the body shifts the receiver electrode signal levels to a lower potential and this can be detected .Digital signal processing determines the exact location of the gesture and its direction.So by this way of sensing gestures the limitations can be eliminated providing a wide usage of this Gesture technology

CONCLUSION:So those who are really tired of using touch and other physical interfaces cheer up and expect this new era of interfacing with your devices.This Gesture technology is still under research and it is expected to reach our hands soon.And i will really appreciate your comments towards this article.And moreover share this new oncoming technology with others.Thank you for taking time to read this.

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