

UK Suffer from Cyber Crime

According to the British Retail Consortium, cyber crime is currently the biggest threat to online shops, indicating a need for a clearer analysis of e-crime.British Retail Consortium has conducted a study, which showed that the effects of cyber crime on businesses are quite significant in direct cost and prevention, amounting at £205.4 million within 2011-2012. In the meantime, the most expensive form of cyber crime for businesses was personal identification related frauds, which incurred £20 million of losses, while card fraud caused £15 million losses and refund frauds were responsible for £1.2 million of losses.
In addition, the British Retail Consortium points at £111.6 million worth of business being rejected because of crime prevention measures. This may include honest customers who were deterred from Internet purchases because of extra security measures. This means that cyber crime is a very serious problem, especially for businesses which are not aware of the existing dangers.

Kaspersky Labs agrees that more is needed to be done in order to provide an accurate representation of the threat landscape. First of all, cyber crime is very hard to measure. That's why it's the task of the government to make sure that it's measuring, and that there's a reporting mechanism. In addition, figures like these sometimes get used to exaggerate the impact of something, so the businesses can get lost in the huge numbers.

Although £27 billion or £205.4 million is an easy number, unless someone brings it down to what the impact is to them, it starts to lose a bit of meaning. Another important thing is to raise the awareness of the businesses and how they are being affected by e-crime, because whatever the figure is for a particular business, that's what is really meaningful.

women benefit from using new digital and Internet technologies for self-expression, networking, and professional activities, cyber victimization remains an underexplored barrier to their participation. Women often outnumber men in surveys on cyber victimization. Cyber Crime and the Victimization of Women: Laws, Rights and Regulations is a unique and important contribution to the literature on cyber crime. It explores gendered dimensions of cyber crimes like adult bullying, cyber stalking, hacking, defamation, morphed pornographic images, and electronic blackmailing. These and other tactics designed to inflict intimidation, control, and other harms are frequently committed by perpetrators who, for many reasons, are unlikely to be identified or punished. Scholars, researchers, law makers, and ordinary women and their supporters will gain a better understanding of cyber victimization and discover how to improve responses to cyber crimes against women.

[By Sudarshana Banerjee] Reports surfaced in the European press of a packet of some 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords being up for grabs in a Russian hacker website. LinkedIn has now confirmed that indeed some of its member passwords have been br

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