

Mini tea garden in london olympic

 The special Indian tea promotion in London that coincided with the Olympics, started on August 1, 2012, at the Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, London. A delegation of major producers and exporters, led by the additional secretary, ministry of commerce, Madhusudan Prasad, is in London for the special promotional event. 

Dr J. Bhagwati, the High Commissioner of India in the UK, inaugurated the show and there was a symbolic pouring of the tea from a huge teapot into a cup by Madhusudan Prasad and Tea Board of India chairman MGVK Bhanu.  A mini tea garden was created inside the Royal Festival Hall, narrating the story of tea production. The entire hall came alive with the drumbeats, along with Bhangra performance and other Indian dance performances, which were a major attraction of the day's event.

 The crowd cherished the Indian flavour in its various manifestations - Indian tea, dances, music, food stalls, coffee, spices etc.  Prominent Indian tea producers and exporters, including McLeod Russell, Goodricke, Ambootia, Rossell Tea, Typhoo Tea, as well as Indian Tea Association (ITA) and Darjeeling Tea Association (DTA) were present in full strength and displayed some of the best teas in the exhibition stall outside the Royal Festival Hall.
 The crowd got the opportunity to see a display of and sample a delectable selection of some of the finest teas of India from a stationary tram, decorated with signages of different types of Indian tea.  There were stalls by other commodity boards like coffee board, spices board and APEDA.

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